Troubleshooting / Issues
I sent BTC (or a Token) to Freewallet, why doesn't it show up?Why can't I see my assets I own or created with 0 issuance?"Error While Trying to Broadcast Transaction""Failure to send not enough BTC in wallet"My Freewallet Exchange/Dispenser tab is resetting the data when I try to sort by BTC Price?"Public key was neither provided nor published in blockchain."I logged in and see none of my assets but I see them on tokenscan!Help! I used too small of a fee and my transaction is not confirming!I sent/dispensed an XCP asset to a Wrapped Segwit Address (address beginning with "3")I sent/dispensed an XCP asset to a Taproot Address (an address that starts with "bc1p")I updated Freewallet and can only see my first 20 addresses! How can I get them back?My second transaction on an MPMA (Multi-send) is not getting confirmed and giving me an errorFreewallet gave me a TX link but Tokenscan says "Transaction not found on tokenscan"Error composing dividend transaction via API: ['zero dividend']My MacOS/Windows is saying Freewallet is not verified by the app store. What should I do?Counterparty API Communication Error!What is a Counterparty API Error?Stuck on "Checking Data Encoding Fees"Constructed transaction does not parse correctlyMy transaction is too low of an "Effective Fee Rate"Error Composing Dispenser TX - Balance HistoryI entered my created password and stuck on "You will need to unlock..."